Pricing & Registration

Join us for the full-week camp from Sunday, July 14 to Friday, July 19. Registration fee includes all meals, materials, talks, courses, and events.

*If you need financial assistance, please use the contact form below to let us know.

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope you can join us for all or part of the camp activities. If you do not find answers to your questions, please use the contact form below.

What is your refund policy?

Contact camp organizer, Stacy Trasancos, to request a refund. You can reach her at or phone/text at (430) 235-3104. Processing fees for Give Central for registration are non-refundable.

What if a camper cannot attend all the days?

Registration fees will not cover all of the camp costs, but we wanted to keep the fees affordable for families. We cannot give refunds for days missed. Those funds will go towards covering the camp costs.

Can a 13-year-old attend the camp?

Yes, if the parents judge that the teen is old enough to benefit from the camp, he or she is welcome to register. All ages are invited to the special events, which are free for teens and children, some including food!

How can I volunteer?

Lots of ways! If you can host an out-of-town camper, please fill out this form. To sponsor teens financially, please go here. If you want to volunteer for a teen leadership role, fill out this form. Parent volunteers fill out this form, please.

Do I need to bring a printed ticket?

No, we have your digital registration and contact information. You will receive information by email for camp policies and safety, so everything should be in order by the first day of the camp. We will have forms there too!

Do you offer discounts for multiple teens?

Since the registration fee does not cover the full cost, we cannot offer a discount for families with more than one camper. We will find sponsors if you need financial assistance. We know families are expensive.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes, if an adult (18 or over) can help with the camp, we offer a range of discounts. If you can sponsor a meal, chaperone, or help with promotion, please email us at More info to come. 

Is this a sleep-over camp?

No, this is a day camp that takes place during the day at the high school. Except Sunday, doors open at 8:00 am in the morning and camp goes until 6:00 or 9:00 pm each evening. See our (coming) camp schedule for details.

Register Early!

Space is limited! This is our third year, and spots are in high demand. Please register early. We are in need of sponsors for financial assistance for campers, and we need host family volunteers. Mostly, we need prayers. Please consider supporting the 3nd annual East Texas Pro-Life Teen Leadership Camp.

Contact Us